Sunday, 4 January 2009

A honest wish

Our forefathers did without sugar until the 13th century; without coal-fires until the 14th century; without buttered bread until the 15th century; without potato until the 16th century; without coffee, tea, soup until the 17th century; without tomatoes till the 18th century; without gas, matches and electricity until the 19th century; without canned goods until the 20th century. What the fuck are we complaining about?

'The world is just awesome' . This is the tag line of 2009 Discovery channel promotion. Simple words , heart-gladdening video but evokes emotions, positive ones, ones that have been dormant for a long while. Life is just too good to hate, whatever the situation maybe. I just got back from work , the time is 0136 hrs, its snowing outside but you know what: I love my life , I dont yet have a wife, And I wish u a life thats as good as mine at the very least. Have a wonderful year ahead.

Friday, 2 January 2009

A craving of sorts.

The one passion that has always remained unattainable is the wild hedonistic pursuit of heavy metal music. To the uninitiated, heavy metal or rock music is more noise than music. To those who like it , it is the source of the highest high one can ever get. The unexplainable excitement in the base of the stomach, the rapid almost frantic beat of the over-excited heart just before Ironmaiden comes on stage, the gnawing emptiness when the concert is over is a testimony to the potency of this form of music.

I dream of a life in which I can be free to do the things I want. To grow my hair long, to do nothing but ride all over the country to wherever the next concert is going to be staged. To spend my life in a perpetual high I get from knowing am doing what I like the best. I would love to get tattoed all over, to get pierced as many times as I want to, to add to the four I already have. All the typical things that a Maiden fan is expected to have but viewed at with disgust by everyone other than a Maiden or Rammstein fan. Of course this is all just a dream or rather a craving, one that I know has no chance of ever happening.

We do give up many things we love for the sake of responsibilities. As a recent insurance ad on tv depicts, a man indulges in a small joy only when he is old. what a pathetic ad? I for one hate it, not because its quality is bad or that the concept is wrong but because it is so 'in your face' true that it punches me in my guts everytime I see it. I think off all that I have wanted to do but have been unable to due to various reasons. Everyone one of us would have , am sure of it, a long list of things that we wanted to do but couldnt. Maybe things, that are as small as a weekend getaway or as big as a career choice.

I am going to try beat that ad in my own way. I am going to do something , even something as small as buying that archery kit I have always wanted, something. Something.