Friday, 31 July 2009

Drool factor!

Just like every kid I love my parents cooking. K let me cut the bullshit and say , I love my mother's cooking. I called her a lot to consult , to cook like her and to enjoy the dinner like I used to when I was 17 and ravenous. Life it seems, wanted to laugh at me in my face. I tried every single cooking secret and grandma's recipe but sorry to say it all tasted like bullshit. I yearn for the weird but wonderfully peculiar stuff that only my mom can cook. The mishmash of various greens and a dry dish made of various types of beans, the wonderful different types of rasam and the amazing makeshift gravies. My mouth waters and my eyes tear up.

Let this not sound like a mommy suck up attempt. It just, is the simple desire of the salivating child of a loving mom to taste the food that one has grown up with. Never mind if the child is 29 , drooling and desperate.

Cooking has rubbed off on me but am no bourdain , I would rather be a kwong trying to discover ones roots. The core truth is that u may cook like angel but any guy would still love and prefer his mom's cooking to ur mess. Lv u mom.

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