Thursday, 11 December 2008

An addiction I love and recommend!

Have you been to a place that personifies heaven on earth and hell on fire all at the same same time? I have and let me tell you its an addictive love affair, one thats much too difficult to let go and simultaneously much too hard to get rid of. Confusing ehh!! The contrasting points of view are because the former is an opinion of tourists and the latter of those who actually live there.

There are no words to describe the assault on senses that this place unleashes. The aroma of wonderful exotic spices and insultingly abundant apples are tantalising to say the least. Injustice ,is the word to describe the absence of recognition of this land. A land that has memoirs written in 'thoth' but has yet to be credited with the allure it projects the most , in any of its 800 official languages.

The beautiful lavender blossom hued, laden badam trees and the boughs weighed down by the bride of fruits 'the green apple', present a view thats disturbed only by the oft repeated explosion of gunpowder and the disturbing 'thwaack' of bullets into the wood of these trees. The view that I have when I have my lazy breakfast at 0700hrs is one of 6 layers of mountains , all of them snow clad and each one of them bearing a resemblance to the fantasy image of a pure and innocent
(read ignorant) bride, and I wonder how many people would be lucky enough to live in places that most others can only see in coffee table books and dream about visiting.

This post may seem like a random rambling but it is rather a pathetically incomplete review on a place that deserves much more credit for its beauty and splendour than what is claimed falsely by many of its sister states in the country. This is only an addiction I would sincerely recommend to every genuine traveller.


arvindiyer said...

If you are talking bout the place I think you are talking about.. Then I completely agree with everything you have written and I would proudly say... I have BEEN THERE.. and LOVED EVERY BIT OF THE PLACE:)

Too bad couldn't meet you when I was there.

Minerva said...

stop making other less fortunate soles jealous!