Tuesday, 23 December 2008

A bibliophile's lament.

I love the very idea of a book. The very fact that so many emotions, ideas,innovations, fears,thought and inspirations are nestled between the covers waiting to clear the cobwebs between our ears is a joy beyond comparison. I for one prefer the refuge that a book gives rather than any other form of entertainment for two very simple reasons; the first because I love the feeling when a book stimulates my nerves and the synapses start firing. For the uninitiated or the couldnt care less souls , try it! it is the ultimate high. The second is the cost advantage. The boundaries of realms of thought and imagination are shattered with utter disdain by a good book for a price thats next to nothing, or so I thought.

I was in for a rude shock today when I was reading 'Times of India' sunday edition of the 21 Dec 08. You are probably wondering why would any kook read a newspaper thats two days old. In the part of the country where I live, newspapers arrive two days late but are still devoured with relish. The rude shock came when I was reading the reviews of the various new books that are due for release. Any sane person with a teeny bit of desire to read any of those books would have been put off by the prices that are being quoted. Out of the collection of titles that were reviewed only two would be worth their weight in salt but somehow the cheapest of the lot was priced at Rs.775. What a truckload of crap we are being subjected to.

I have yet to understand the entire scope of the word 'globalisation' but I know for sure the one gift it has bestowed upon us, the cost of every small joy in our lives is rising beyond heights globally achieved ever before.

1 comment:

Renu said...

Prashanth, Welcome to the world of Inflation + economy slowdown - a lethal combination indeed... :) lolz